KASA High School
Educational level
Language of Instruction
Same - strictly follows the existing public school curriculum.
Similar - 2/3 of the major subjects follow those in the public schools.
Different - does not belong to any of the categories mentioned above.
Similar - 2/3 of the major subjects follow those in the public schools.
Different - does not belong to any of the categories mentioned above.
18, Theofani Theodotou
School description
KASA High School, located in Nicosia, Cyprus, was founded in Famagusta in 1961 by Mr Christos Saveriades. The school has a rich history, having been displaced due to the Turkish invasion of 1974 and later re-established in southern Cyprus.
KASA High School has been a beacon of education for many years, boasting over 50,000 graduates, some of whom have become prominent societal figures. The school emphasizes quality assurance and continuous improvement across all its operations, ensuring a high standard of education for its students.
The school's mission includes supporting the social integration of refugees and asylum seekers through education, with initiatives like the 'Open Doors' programme, which is run in partnership with UNHCR.
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