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Land Registry in Cyprus

Chris Michael
by Chris Michael
Updated: May 03, 2024

The Department of Lands and Surveys, known as the Land Registry in Cyprus, maintains official property ownership records, including details like property size, value, and legal status. The Registry verifies titles and secures transactions.

The Cyprus Department of Lands and Surveys operates eleven offices in total. The Headquarters is located in Lefkosia (Nicosia) and accommodates the Director and other managerial personnel, the Survey, Cartography and Geodesy offices and the Land Information Centre. The island has six District Land Offices (DLOs), each corresponding to a district.

The DLOs of Keryneia and Ammochostos are located in Paralimni and Nicosia, respectively, after enacting a relevant law because the original premises, including land registers and files, have been occupied by Turkish troops since 1974.

Office locations and contact details

Nicosia (Lefkosia) Land Registry Office

Limassol (Lemesos) Land Registry Office

Larnaka Land Registry Office

Pafos Land Registry Office

The main functions of the Cyprus Land Registry

  • Registering sales, leases, mortgages, inheritances, and other transactions involving Cyprus immovable property.
  • Keeping up-to-date records of property ownership, including details like property size, value, and legal status.
  • Calculating and collecting property-related fees and taxes, contributing to the country's fiscal system.
  • Supplying historical ownership records and other relevant information for legal proceedings and due diligence.
  • Offering critical information to resolve disputes over property boundaries and ownership.
  • Creating and maintaining accurate geographical and cadastral data for land use planning, urban development, and environmental management.
  • Ensuring that changes in property ownership are officially registered and legally recognized.
  • Providing a transparent and secure framework for real estate dealings, essential for the stability of the property market.
  • Assisting the judiciary with information and records for cases involving property issues.
  • Serving as a public repository of property records, accessible to various stakeholders like buyers, sellers, and lawyers.

Why the Land Registry is important

The Land Registry in Cyprus is essential for legally transferring property. It provides historical ownership records, which is required for due diligence. Any changes in property ownership must be registered for legal validity.

The Land Registry is also important for resolving disputes over property boundaries and ownership. Buyers, sellers, and lawyers need access to land registry records.

Table of contents
  • Office locations and contact details
  • The main functions of the Cyprus Land Registry
  • Why the Land Registry is important